Monday, 4 July 2016

Daughter of the Sun - Zoe Kalo

                Daughter of the Sun is the first book in the young adult series, Cult of the Cat. It’s an entertaining and fast-paced novel that draws the reader into the world of the myths of Ancient Egypt, in particular those of the goddess Bast.     
                Trinity is a seventeen year old orphan whose eighteenth birthday falls on the date of a rare lunar eclipse that results in a blood moon. One month before her birthday, her grandmother finds her and sends Trinity’s aunt, Dr. Nassri, to bring her home to the Island of Cats. All is not as it seems though, and Trinity finds herself dealing with not only strange physical changes within herself but also fights a sense of evil surrounding her. It is all wrapped up in the goddess of Bast and the myths about her.
                I really enjoyed this book, maybe because I have a keen interest in Egyptian mythology. The writing flows well and keeps the reader turning the pages. The characters are multidimensional and the author manages to achieve having the reader care about the characters, whether it’s to like them or hate them. The Egyptian mythology is told in an entertaining way and doesn’t come across as a university lecture. I did find that the story is a bit predictable but I enjoyed the writing so much that I didn’t care. I really liked this book and look forward to reading the next book in the series. 

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This Review is a part of the Blogger Outreach Program by <a href="http://b00kr3vi3wtours." target="_blank">b00k r3vi3w Tours</a></div>

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