I was
really looking forward to reading Messages from Beyond the Veil because I like
to read about spirituality and spirit messages that supposedly provide
information about what God is and the concept of Heaven. This book sounded like
something I would enjoy. However, it is not easy to read and this is not
because of the content but because of the style of writing. I can’t quite put
my finger on why I found the flow of the text to be a bit stilted but, for me,
it made sticking with the book a bit difficult. The information is quite
in-depth and spiritual but the style of writing made finishing the book that
much harder. This isn’t to say that I didn’t find Messages from Beyond the Veil
interesting because if you enjoy this sort of book then it has a lot of
interesting concepts and thoughts.
idea behind this book is that a group of men and women who, in the 1930s, met
regularly to discuss spirituality, one day discovered that they were being
contacted by entities known as Messengers who over the next few years told them
about what happens after death, what our lives are really meant to be, who or
what God is, and many other ideas. Throughout the book, actual writings from
the individuals in the group, as told to them by the Messengers, appear in italics.
Explanations from the authors of this book are interspersed in between these
messages. There are a lot of interesting concepts, such as one that says life
on Earth is merely an illusion and what is beyond life is our real existence.
Also, evil is not a result of the devil but comes from poor life choices. There
is a lot of emphasis put on free will and our being in control of our own fate.
A couple of sections that I really enjoyed were the role of Jesus and another
that talked about various things in our everyday life and how best we should
live in order to achieve the highest enlightenment we can from life on Earth.
The author also added, in a chapter about death, a beautiful sermon regarding
the end of life that was said for King Edward VII at his funeral.
This is
a great book for those who enjoy exploring spirituality and aren’t strictly
bible followers, whom it may offend. It is a bit difficult to read but worth
the effort.
I read
the book on my ereader and it formatted well. The cover had a mysterious feel
which fit the content of the book perfectly.
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